"Can people remain healthy in a world that is sick? Many ecological disasters can be directly traced to careless exploitation of the environment, with human beings as first perpetrator and then victim. Our health closely mirrors the health of our surroundings: this is the basis of the Ecohealth approach. It recognizes the inextricable links between humans and their biophysical, social, and economic environments, and that these links are reflected in the population's state of health." (IDRC publication by Jean Lebel, 2003)

For our take, being friendly to the earth correlates with being friendly to pets and their people. It began with recycling a building in the most eco-responsible way we could with the means at hand, and continues to the present day where the decisions we make—ranging from hospital supplies to veterinary treatment and energy sources—are based on sustainability without compromising overall care.

Kannon logo Paw-Leaf. Our logo is a paw print made of leaves, to remind us of our connection to nature, and it's importance to the health of all. (124K)